Does Your Office Need Layered Security? Some Answers

Is your office security adequate to protect your business, your employees, and your data? If you aren't incorporating layers of security, then it may not be. What are layers of security? And how can you apply this principle in your office? Here are a few answers. 

What Are Security Layers?

Security layers are simply additional security steps or procedures in addition to ones already in place. But layering security has the effect of reducing gaps and weaknesses.

Consider them like a slice of Swiss cheese, each with some solid areas and a few gaping holes you can see through. When you add another slice on top, the holes generally don't coincide and you can see less through the two slices. Add a third, and there are even fewer holes. Eventually, you reach full coverage. Layering security achieves a similar effect, but in terms of better protection.

How Can You Add Physical Layers?

How could you apply this idea in your office? One method is to add physical layers of security. Your first layer might be the property and building perimeters. This might entail fences and gates, monitored cameras at the entrances, and a security patrol around the lot on a regular basis.

The second layer of security occurs at the building's entrances. Security staff verifies that guests are authorized before allowing them inside the office areas. There might be coded access doors from the public areas to the office zones. And perhaps additional cameras monitor people as they come and go from the reception area or back door. 

The third layer of security could be within departments themselves. A locked door leads to the accounting or management areas. Individual offices are locked separately. And cash is kept in its own locked cabinets. 

How Can You Add Operational Layers?

Another method of layering is to focus on using different types of security rather than just different locations. The front gate may have an access code, while a security guard monitors a camera at the reception area. Color-coded badges authorize persons to be in different areas of the site. An access code allows entry into the office. And dual keys are needed to access the safe room. 

When you use different methods to challenge individuals as they move around, layered security ensures that no one can get too far into your operation without multiple forms of confirmation and verification. 

How Can You Develop Security Layers?

To layer your security, start by consulting with a commercial security service in your area. They can help you determine which approach and which type of layers would be the most effective and reliable for your particular organization. Contact a company like All Pro Security to learn more. 
